Chatbot Settings
Control the appearance of your chatbot
Sometimes WordPress caching might prevent the auto redirect, status refresh or updates from ChatPress. In this case, simply refresh your WordPress admin page to verify your changes.
This title will appear on top of your chatbot
Our AI will use this to refer to your business. Do not use website link here. Examples: Apple, Walmart etc.
Our AI will recommend this email to your website visitors if required. So make sure you submit a publicly available email address e.g.
The chatbot can appear either on the bottom right or bottom left of your website.
Use your brand’s primary color or any color of your choice.
This text will have the background of your brand color. So choose a text color that has a good contrast.
This is the avatar for the AI bot
The initial message the user will see.
The text user will see in the textbox where they are supposed to type their question.
The AI bot will obey this prompt while answering your website vistor’s questions.